Dodis Open Data dataset export ****************************** Content description: - A SQL dump of the relational schema. Intended for restoration on a live MySQL / MariaDB instance. - dodis-opendata-2022.mwb The dataset entity relationship diagram in a directly editable form. Can be opened using MySQL Workbench. - dodis-opendata-2022.pdf The rentity relationship diagram, in pdf. - dodis-opendata-2022.png The entity relationship diagram, in png. - A dump of the dataset as RDF/N-Triples. This is a mere 1:1 export from the relational database and it does not use any standard ontology. The mapping was generated automatically with d2rq's generate-mapping. - dodis-opendata-2022-lod.ttl The mapping generated with d2rq's generate-mapping tool, and used to produce the RDF dump. Relational schema overview ************************** document*: This is the main entity in Dodis. A document in Dodis represents a real document from an archive. A limited number of documents are also printed in a (paper) volume. In this case, a relationship exists with the table "volume". The persons, tags, places and dossiers linked to each document are available in the document_has_* relation tables. date_dodis * In order to take into account several levels of accuracy, all dates in Dodis are stored in this dedicated table. This allows several types of dates (open periods of time, unprecise dates, ...) to be stored in the system in a way that is always computable by the machine. Several types of date are defined. specimen: The same document can exists in several specimens. A typical case is when the same letter exists both as the Original and as a carbon copy. When a document has several specimen, those usually are stored in different places (i.e. different Dossiers). A specimen could also be seen as the relation table between document and dossier (it could be named "document_has_dossier"). dossier: A dossier represents an archival unit of the same name. It usually contains specimens of a document. A specimen is always associated with a dossier. *_i18n: Dodis is a multilingual database. Wherever necessary, a *_i18n table exists where all the translations live. tag_fallback, person_fallback, place_fallback: These tables hold the preferred (main) name (translation) for each of the related entities in each of the Dodis UI language (de, fr, it, en). place * A place represents... a geographical place. It can optionally be identified as a country if the country_code field is not null (this has not been completed yet). A place has coordinates. Several other entities, such as documents, can be associated with places. Documents are related to places through the document_has_place relation table. A given place can have several names depending on the epoch. That's why the table place_i18n contains an optional date_id foreign key. tag * Tags hold the theme(s) covered by the Documents. The Tags are a Dodis-specific controlled vocabulary. A document can have 0..n associated tags. person * Represent physical persons; they have a numeric id which is specific to Dodis (and which can be used to see the person's detail page on the Dodis DB, by using the permalink{id}. The id can also be used to get more information about the person via For convenience, the main names of persons are also included here, in the person_fallback table. A document can have 0..n associated persons.